
From Jon's Wiki
Revision as of 11:28, 17 November 2008 by Johnno (talk | contribs)

Source Code

Grab the Koha source:

git clone git://git.koha.org/pub/scm/koha.git

I thought it had PostgreSQL support, but looks like that development effort died off. MySQL. Bleargh.

Install Dependencies

Zebra Z39.50 Support (Optional)

Add the Zebra apt repository:

deb     http://ftp.indexdata.dk/debian indexdata/lenny released 
deb-src http://ftp.indexdata.dk/debian indexdata/lenny released 

And the magic key incantation:

wget -q http://ftp.indexdata.dk/debian/indexdata.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add - 

Install Zebra stuff:

sudo apt-get install yaz idzebra-2.0

Perl Dependencies

sudo apt-get install libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl libbiblio-endnotestyle-perl \
libcgi-session-perl libclass-accessor-perl libclass-factory-util-perl \
libdata-ical-perl libdate-calc-perl libdate-ical-perl libdate-manip-perl \
libdatetime-format-mail-perl libdatetime-format-strptime-perl \
libdatetime-format-w3cdtf-perl libdatetime-locale-perl libdatetime-perl \
libdatetime-timezone-perl libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libgd-barcode-perl \
libhtml-template-pro-perl libimage-magick-perl liblingua-ispell-perl \
liblingua-stem-perl liblist-moreutils-perl liblocale-gettext-perl \
liblocale-po-perl libmail-sendmail-perl libmarc-charset-perl \
libmarc-crosswalk-dublincore-perl libmarc-record-perl libmarc-xml-perl \
libmime-lite-perl libnet-ldap-perl libnet-z3950-zoom-perl libpdf-api2-perl \
libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl libpdf-reuse-perl libpoe-perl libschedule-at-perl \
libtext-charwidth-perl libtext-csv-perl libtext-csv-xs-perl libtext-iconv-perl \
libtext-wrapi18n-perl libtimedate-perl libtime-duration-perl \
libtime-format-perl libunix-syslog-perl libxml-dom-perl libxml-dumper-perl \
libxml-libxml-perl libxml-libxslt-perl libxml-namespacesupport-perl \
libxml-parser-perl libxml-perl libxml-regexp-perl libxml-rss-perl \
libxml-sax-perl libxml-simple-perl libxml-xslt-perl libyaml-syck-perl \
libhtml-scrubber-perl libdata-uuid-perl

And from CPAN:

sudo apt-get install dh-make-perl
dh-make-perl --cpan CGI::Session::YAML --build
sudo dpkg -i libcgi-session-yaml-perl_0.3-1_all.deb
  • Note that in Ubuntu 8.10, Algorithm::CheckDigits::M43_001, GD::Barcode::UPCE and MARC::File::XML are included in libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl, libgd-barcode-perl and libmarc-xml-perl respectively.
  • DBD::mysql needs to be 4.004 or higher to handle UTF8 correctly.
  • MARC::File::XML does not work with Perl 5.10, therefore the whole shebang probably requires downgrading Perl to 5.8
  • The Perl XML SAX Parser needs to be the libXML SAX Parser, not PurePerl or Expat, which are both rubbish. The following command should report XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser. If it reports XML::SAX::Expat, you need to edit /etc/perl/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini

Configure UTF8 Locale

Make sure the OS, Apache, and MySQL are all set to locale UTF8.

Apache 2: Edit /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset:

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

MySQL: Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf under the [mysqld] section:

default-character-set = utf8
character-set-server = utf8
skip-character-set-client-handshake # because the above settings don't actually work properly

Set Up Database

In MySQL as root:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON koha.* TO 'kohaadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'whatever';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON koha.* TO 'koha'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'whatever';

Install Koha

From the code checkout, execute the following:

perl Makefile.PL
   (answer questions)
make test
sudo make install

Create an Apache Configuration

sudo ln -s /etc/koha/koha-httpd.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/koha
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2ensite koha
sudo apache2ctl restart

Use etc/koha/koha-httpd.conf as a guide, or even make a symbolic link to /etc/apache2/sites-available/koha. Apache also needs to listen on 8080, so add Listen 8080 to /etc/apache2/ports.conf.

Setup Zebra

Manually set up zebra as a daemon. FFS.

Start up Koha

Point browser at http://localhost:8080/ and go through the tedious set up process...


Too complicated.