Pidgin is a multi-protocol IM client for Windows and *nix desktops (see Adium for Mac). Pidgin 2.x series is woefully crap in many technical ways, but mostly does what it says on the tin. Development on 2.x has been in maintenance mode since about 2011, and most dev effort is focused on the 3.0 which is pretty much a ground-up rewrite.
Missing XEPs
XMPP support in Pidgin has been slow to adopt new shiny XEPs. Tickets exist for them:
- XEP-0280: Message Carbons
- XEP-0313: Message Archive Management
- OMEMO chat encryption (Whisper Systems Axolotl over XEP-0163: Personal Eventing Protocol)
Patch it to support XMPP XEP-0280 Message Carbons
This is the bit that lets XMPP clients track message history like Hangouts does, when you are using multiple clients in a conversation (e.g. phone, tablet, gaming PC, work laptop). The perfectly working patch by "xnyhps" has been lurking on Ticket #15508 since January 2014 and nobody seems to be paying attention, because they think it's more important to support useless non-features like realtime text and message receipts in the next release. Luckily, these instructions will build you a modified version you can install yourself:
apt-get source pidgin sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin cd pidgin-2.10.9 wget patch -p1 < carbons.5.patch dpkg-source --commit vi debian/changelog # bump to +nmu1 dpkg-buildpackage # -us -uc if you can't be arsed with a PGP key sudo dpkg -i ../pidgin*.deb ../libpurple*.deb
XEP-0313: Message Archive Management
Potential patch here.